quinta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2010


Boa Tarde!
Dando continuidade a série de supertiçoes americanas, segue abaixo mais 3 supertiçoes interessantes.


4 - Cutting the wedding cake
The wedding cake has always stood for good fortune and fertility. The bride, with the help of her groom, must cut the first piece as a sign that they will share all the possessions in the future.

5 - Throwing rice
Throwing rice at newlyweds was traditionally a way to wish them many children. In places where rice was the basic food, couples needed many children to grow and harvest it. Nowadays, throwing rice at the bride and groom is a way to wish them a happy marriage.

6 - Step on a crack, break your mother’s back
A crack in the sidewalk represented the opening of a grave, and stepping on a crack, meant inviting death to your family.

E aproveitando pra lembrar que as aulas voltam ao normal essa semana! Uma ótima volta as aulas.
Até mais.

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