quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010


Boa noite pessoal!

Vamos começar agora uma série de explicações sobre as supertições americanas. Esperamos que gostem! Segue abaixo as 3 primeiras.


1 – Asking God’s blessing for a sneezer

People once believed the soul could escape from the body when a person sneezed. To stop this from happening, people ask God to bless – and so to protect – the person Who sneezes.

2 – Stopping hiccups

It was once believed that a person with hiccups was possessed by the devil. Many remedies are supposed to stop hiccups, such as scaring the person or having the person hold her/his nose while drinking water.

3 – Something old, something new. something borrowed, something blue

When getting married, brides traditionally wear or carry something old, – that can be anything that has brought good luck to its owner – something new – that is a symbol of hope for the future – something borrowed – which adds the good luck of the giver to the bride – and something blue – which is considered a lucky color, so it’s a traditional protection for all women.

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